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Welcome to the website of the Research Deputy of the Faculty of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering at the University of Science and Technology of Iran.

Chemical engineering is among the sciences that are currently gaining attention as one of the advanced specialties in research and educational centers worldwide. The wide applications of chemical engineering in various industries, including upstream and downstream oil industries, natural gas processing and transportation industries, petrochemical industry, conversion industries, power generation industries, biotechnology industries, and even food and pharmaceutical industries, have led to extensive fundamental and applied research in this field. The diversity and importance of research in chemical engineering have resulted in numerous reputable scientific publications worldwide to publish research findings in this field.

The Faculty of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering at the University of Science and Technology of Iran is ranked among the top chemical engineering faculties in Iran based on global research indicators. Every year, dozens of research papers from this faculty are published in internationally recognized journals or presented at domestic and international scientific conferences. Due to the high potential of research in chemical engineering and the expertise of the faculty members, the faculty’s scientific publications per faculty member have consistently ranked first to third within the university.

The Faculty of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering has ten research laboratories, which serve as the foundation for various research activities. In these research laboratories, graduate students are engaged in research projects related to their field of study, often resulting in publishing scholarly articles in reputable scientific journals. The faculty has also established successful collaborations with industries, and numerous projects, mainly related to the country’s oil industry, have been completed or are currently underway in this faculty.

Dr. Fasihi, Mohammad
Director of Research
The School of Mechanical Engineering

Outstanding Achievements by Faculties

Outstanding Achievements by Faculties

year Title earned Faculty member

School’s-International Ranking

Research Centers
